Johnny Test Wiki

A Picture's Worth 1000 Johnnies is the second part of the 107th episode and the 214th episode over all. It first premiered on January 8, 2014.

"A Picture's Worth 1000 Johnnies"
Season 6, Episode 16b
A Picture's Worth 1000 Johnnies title card
United States Airdate: January 8, 2014
Invention(s) Featured: Artificial Intelligent Robotic Carousel Horses
Episode Guide
"Johnny's Chipmunk Chit Chat"
"Dial J for Johnny"




In the living room, Johnny and Dukey are play video games, and Hugh walks in sadly holding an envelope. Johnny asks if the package came, and Dad confims it. Johnny calls the rest of the family in the kitchen to see the family picture in the envelope, and they walk in estatically. Johnny states that family photo will a better replacement than the "creepy old dude" picture. Lila scold Johnny about his great-great-grandfather's photo, but agrees and takes the picture down. Johnny opens the envelope and shows his family the photo. Dad starts cringing, but Mom tries to reassure him that the picture was not that bad.


The Test Family enters the Porkbelly Mall. They all walking in wearing matching white sweaters, but Dukey and Johnny keep itching their sweaters. Hugh is excited, but the twin sisters are reluctant to take the photo. Hugh mentions that they have to because every year when they take a photo something always goes wrong, but not this year. Whilst talking, he accidentally steps in a cleaning bucket, restates that nothing else will go wrong starting as of that moment. The family walks in the mall's photo shop, Hugh tells clerk they are ready for their 1:00 appointment. The cashier says they are mistaken, and that their appointment is at 1:30. Johnny complains that they have to wait thirty minutes, and he and Dukey head to the arcade. Hugh stops them, and tells them nobody is leaving the shop until the photo is taken. Johnny objects but then he and Dukey keeps scratching their sweaters. Susan and Mary want to go the mall carousel where Gil Nexdor works at. Lila tries to convince him to let them browse the mall, saying she could need a snack for herself. Hugh agrees, but tells them they must be at the shop for the photo in thirty minutes, and they all dashed off. Johnny and Dukey run to the arcade, Johnny saying when they get there he will be his high score on 'Revenge of the Black Knight's Revenge'.

But, they bumped into an old lady who has a baby with her. Then, the old lady wonders where her baby wandered off to. So, Johnny disguises Dukey as a baby, so, he can find the real baby.

Meanwhile, Susan and Mary went to see Gill at the carousel.

Meanwhile, Lila was looking in her purse for her pretzel punch card and she eventually found it, after a while. But, Gill and the horses ride by, causing her pretzel punch card to blow away and a man stepped on it.

Johnny sees the baby on the train tracks and was able to stop the train before it reaches the baby. The baby heads for a knight store.

The horses ride into the food court.

The man throws Lila’s pretzel punch card in the dumpster and Lila digs in and retrieves it. But, she got dumped in a garbage truck as a result.

Hugh was looking for his family and tells them that their family picture is in five minutes, but, Gill rides by, knocking Hugh in a tanning booth.

Dukey realized that the family picture is in three minutes and runs away from the old lady. But, the old lady tightens her shoelaces and proceeds to chase after Dukey.

Lila gets her cheesy pretzel, but, she was looking the worse for wear after her crazy experience with the garbage dumpster and truck.

Johnny was able to catch the baby. But, he looks at the time and realized that they have to get to the photo shop for their family picture.

Hugh comes out of the tanning booth and races to the photo shop for their family picture.

The flashback ends with the photo of the events of last week, but, they all agreed that they like the photo of their great great grandfather and Hugh concludes that they’ll try again next year.



  • This is the first episode aired in 2014.
  • This is a reference of A Picture's Worth 1000 Words.
  • This is the first episode the Test family is seen away from the house for the most of it and to be seen in a flashback for the majority of it.
  • The old man in the picture is revealed to be an ancestor.
    • In fact, it can be implied that the old man could be Johnny's maternal great-great-grandfather since Lila scolded Johnny for saying something offensive about his physical appearance only to agree soon after.



and you’re right he really is creepy

