Mitchell "Bumper" Randalls (voiced by Scott McNeil): A local bully who regularly tortures the kids at Johnny's school, though Johnny is his favorite victim. He first appeared in Johnny Impossible.
Bumper has orange hair styled into a flattop, brown beady eyes, yellow teeth and pale skin. He usually wears a white shirt under a red plaid sleeveless shirt, pair of jeans and black tennis shoes. As a member of the Johnny Saving Force 5, he wears the same blue jumpsuit as the rest of the team.
Bumper acts like a stereotypical school bully, treating his habit with great enthusiasm. However, he also has a sensitive side, at one point revealing that he loves roses and even has a rose garden. His father seems to want him to be a wrestler, but he just wants to grow flowers so he takes his anger out on Johnny. Despite his hostility towards Johnny, Bumper is willing to ally with him should the need arise, and never lets a favor go unreturned, leading to his temporary recruitment into the Johnny Saving Force 5.
Bumper has many pets, a white called named "Cuddles", an unnamed orange tomcat, a lizard named Mr. Muncher and an unnamed bulldog.