Johnny Test Wiki
"Johnny's Got a Brand New Dad"
Season 2, Episode 3b
Johnny's Got a Brand New Dad Title Card (HD)
United States Airdate: November 11, 2006
Invention(s) Featured: New Robotic Dad
Episode Guide
"Saturday Night's Alright for Johnny"

Johnny's Got a Brand New Dad is the second part of 16th episode and the 32nd episode overall.


Hugh's constantly saying "no" to Johnny's requests begins to infuriate him, so, with Susan and Mary's help, they make a new dad. However, when the new dad gets exposed to the plutonium he got for Susan and Mary, things start to take a turn for the worst.



Johnny is frustrated with his dad always saying no and not letting him do what he wants (Unicycling on the roof, playing with his food at the table, eating a chocolate bar or any candy at all, climbing into the alligator pit), Johnny and Dukey are ready to go to a hockey game but Hugh comes in and says no again about the hockey game.

After Hugh leaves the bedroom, Johnny removes his hockey mask (obviously angry) and tells Dukey that Hugh's always yelling at him and saying no (Before throwing his hockey mask off screen). Dukey suggests that Hugh can be replaced by a new fun dad and tells Johnny that his sisters can create a new one. At first Johnny isn't to sure if it was a good idea to replace his dad, but when trying sweet talking to him, but he still refuses, he gets angered, so Johnny decides to replace his dad after all with his sisters help. Susan and Mary refused at first. But he reminded them about Dad said no to them that makes them angry like plutonium for instance and he said no to them about it so they decided to make him a new dad.

Johnny took one of Hugh’s shoes and Hugh went searching for it. With Hugh distracted from finding his shoe, the kids and Dukey got to work. They add a lock of hair, a picture, dirty and filthy clothes and clown nose and shoes. Once their experiment worked, Robot Dad allowed Johnny to unicycle on the roof and gave Dukey a steak.

What follows is a montage of the kids having fun. Johnny and Dukey unicycles on the roof, and then Robot Dad serves candy for dinner. Then, a plutonium arrived at their doorstep, and the effects of the plutonium caused Hugh and Lila to lose their hairs. Then, robot dad serves Johnny candy, but Robot Dad starts going haywire. And Hugh ends up in the middle of the hockey game while finding his shoe.

Eventually, the Robot Dad starts going haywire due to the effects of plutonium. Then, Johnny and Dukey unicycle and they end up falling and landing on a thorn bush injuring himself. Robot dad sprays them with water which made Dukey think he added a little too much clown and they retreat to the lab to find Susan and Mary a little messed up due to the fact that the plutonium they ordered turned out to be unstable. And then, they realized that the effects of the plutonium caused robot dad to go insane. Then, robot dad takes them to the zoo, where he drives crazy and crashes near a wall. The kids roll out and landed in the middle of an alligator pit. The kids called Hugh for help. Johnny gave Hugh his shoe back and Hugh and robot dad started fighting which ended with robot dad getting flung to a cage. Then, Hugh used his shoe to feed the crocodiles and saves the kids.

Later that night, Hugh serves meatloaf, but it made Johnny and the girls sick and it resulted in Lila losing her hair again, which makes Hugh think the kids don’t like his meatloaf.


  • The title of this episode refers to the James Brown song "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag."
  • Susan reveals that Hugh is the one who gave the girls the lab and multiple test monkeys.
  • When everyone is hugging and thanking Hugh after being saved from New Dad, Susan, Mary, Johnny and Dukey are saying "Thanks, dad!" to Hugh. Hugh did not even notice Dukey speaking. Maybe he thought the kids that were the only ones speaking.
  • New Dad's voice sounds as if he is robotic. This was also the case with the Johnny clone in Johnny Hollywood.
  • Reanimated footage from Johnny and the Ice Pigs was used for the hockey game.
  • At the hockey game, Hugh refers to his shoe as a size 10 brown loafer. However, his shoes are black.
  • The Test Kids learn to listen to their father and the reason he said no is because he loves them and wants them safe and healthy.

Production Notes[]

  • According to the credits, Warner Bros. still owns its trademark.


  • New Robotic Dad: Johnny, go play on the roof, and that's an order.
  • Johnny Test: Say what?
  • New Dad: Oh, and Dukey, here's a steak (throws it to Dukey) And where can a dad get some plutonium around here for his girls?
  • All: It works!

