Johnny Test Wiki
"Johnny, wait!" – Susan

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"Johnny and Dark Vegan's Battle Brawl Mania"
Season 4, Episode 24a
Johnny and Darth Vegan's Battle Brawl Mania
United States Airdate: November 1, 2010
Invention(s) Featured: Green Construction Drones
Episode Guide
"Johnny Test's Day Off"
"A Scholarship for Johnny"

Johnny, tries to solve Repto Slicer's problem while Dark Vegan keeps attempting to destroy Johnny, but backfires on every attempt, but then Repto Slicer goes crazy and rampages Porkbelly.

Full Summary

The episode begins with Dark Vegan fixing his robot battle machine. He tries to battle Johnny throughout the episode, failing, while Johnny and Dukey don't even realize they are being chased. Meanwhile, Repto Slicer has clausterphobic problems so Johnny and Dukey try to cheer him up, but when Johnny releases him just for a second, he runs off, much to Johnny's dismay. In the end, Dark Vegan is seen giving up, then signs a treaty saying he will never attack them again, then finds out Johnny wasn't trying to attack him, and Johnny exclaims how he just wanted to make his pet happy. Dark Vegan takes Johnny and Dukey to a reptilian planet called Razorium.Then Repto-Slicer finds a female razorium lizard.Dark Vegan dropped the peace treaty for Repto-Slicer to shred.


  • C-Bay is an obvious parody of E-Bay.
  • In this episode Johnny Test no longer has Repto Slicer.
  • The Video game Johnny and Dukey are playing may be a parody of "Super Smash Bros. Brawl". If this is true, then it is the first Nintendo reference in Johnny Test.
  • This is the only episode where Johnny and Dukey failed to notice Dark Vegan while he is ploting revenge.
