Is there any evidence that is his actual surname? Or is it actually the characters slurring the words next door? Pharap 19:09, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
I watched it with subtitles and it said Gil Nexdor. I have also been confused because in one episode, Johnny's sisters said "Gil from Next Door", so I see your point. 21:35, September 17, 2011 (UTC)
Is it me or does he look like Geoff from Total Drama Island?
How'd he become so dumb?
Why is it that Susan and Mary tried dyeing they're hair green like Jillian's before becuase as seen on tghe sleepover episode he likes girls with wild green hair. (Chances are if they did and Gil would have to chose which he would have chose Mary becuase her hair would be closer to looking like Jillians than Susan's.